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Introduction of Inclined tower UV Aging Test Chamber

一、Inclined tower UV tester introduction:

        Inclined tower UV tester, a material aging test equipment that simulates UV irradiation in the natural environment, is widely used in the industries of plastics, rubber, paints, inks, textiles, construction materials, automotive parts, and other industries for weathering test of materials. The chamber has a built-in UV light source, usually a fluorescent UV lamp or a UV lamp tube, which emits a UV spectrum similar to that found in sunlight. Its interior is uniquely designed in the shape of a sloping tower, where samples are placed at different positions on the sloping surface to receive UV light of different intensities and angles, thus simulating sunlight hitting the material from different angles. The inclined tower UV tester not only simulates UV irradiation, but also other factors in the outdoor environment, such as temperature variations and humidity changes, so that the weathering performance of materials can be quickly assessed under laboratory conditions. This test method is important for manufacturers to perform quality control of their products before placing them on the market, and it also assists research organisations in materials research and development.

二、The working principle of the inclined tower UV tester:

      The main purpose is to simulate the effects of sunlight, especially UV light, on materials in their natural environment. The test chamber is fitted with a UV light source, usually a fluorescent UV lamp or a UV lamp tube, which emit a UV spectrum similar to that found in sunlight. The chamber usually allows the intensity of the UV light source to be adjusted in order to simulate the effects of different intensities of sunlight. The interior of the chamber is cleverly designed in the shape of a leaning tower, with samples placed at different positions on the sloping surface to receive UV light at different intensities and angles. This simulates the sunlight hitting the material from different angles.

       To simulate different climatic conditions, the chamber can control the temperature and humidity inside. This helps to assess the weathering resistance of the material under various environmental conditions. Some models are equipped with a drenching system to simulate the effects of rain and dew on the material. This helps to assess the durability of the material when subjected to moisture.

三、Usage of inclined tower UV tester:

Inclined tower UV test chamber, a kind of precision test equipment that simulates the conditions of UV irradiation in natural environment, mainly serves to evaluate the durability and performance changes of materials under UV radiation.

1. Weathering test: The inclined tower UV tester can accurately simulate the UV irradiation in the sunlight, and make a comprehensive assessment of the aging phenomena such as colour change, strength loss, cracking and embrittlement, which may occur when the materials are exposed to the UV environment for a long time outdoors.

2. Quality control: Manufacturers can use inclined tower UV testers to weather test products to ensure that they meet specific durability standards before leaving the factory, thus ensuring product quality.

3. Safety assessment: For products that may be directly exposed to sunlight, such as automotive interiors and building materials, UV testing can be used to assess their safety and ensure that the products do not release hazardous substances as a result of UV irradiation, thus safeguarding the safety of people’s lives.

4. Regulatory compliance: Some products need to comply with specific weathering standards, the inclined tower UV tester can help manufacturers verify whether their products meet the requirements of relevant regulations and standards, such as IEC 61215, IEC 61730, GB/T 9535, etc., so as to ensure product compliance.

5. Research and development: Research and development departments of scientific research institutes and enterprises can use the inclined tower UV tester to carry out long-term material aging research, in order to improve material properties and develop new weathering-resistant materials, and promote the progress of material science.

The inclined tower UV tester plays an important role in the fields of material science, product development, quality assurance and scientific research, etc. It not only helps to improve the durability and reliability of the products, but also is an important tool to promote scientific and technological progress in related fields.

Post time: Mar-26-2024